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SleepWeaver - New Headgear

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  • SleepWeaver - New Headgear

    Hi All,

    Circadiance have started shipping new headgear for the SleepWeaver. They took on board the various suggestions and have just finished testing their improved version. The test cases were unanimously happy with the improvements.

    In a few weeks, all new SleepWeaver masks will start shipping with the new headgear included. If someone has a warranty claim for the old headgear (if it has gone really bad within say 3 months despite cleaning according to the manual) we can send a new one out.

    I'd also like to hear from 3 or 4 of you who have posted in the long SleepWeaver thread with headgear concerns and I see if I can send you the new one regardless, hoping that you'll share your findings.

    In general, the improved version works better for both smaller and larger heads as the velcro has been adapted to allow for a larger range. The materials have also changed a bit and these two changes combined, result in more comfortable use for a larger number of you.

    So if you have a SleepWeaver mask and had already discussed the headgear pro's and con's int he other thread, please let me know your address and I'll see how many we can spare.

  • #2
    Hi James - you have my address!

    Just got a new "old" headgear for mine, I'm going to try and not wash it as much (it seems washing ruins the old ones) more than happy to try a new ne!


    • #3
      Hi James,

      Does it have the straps in a different place?

      What I mean is, mine goes accross my earlobes and is blooming uncomfortable even with the pad things that TF gave me. That's the only reason I don't wear it every night.

      APAP: F & P Iconaax auto
      Masks: Resmed Swift FX, Sleep Weaver, Mirage Liberty and most other makes and models.


      • #4
        Hi James, I would like one please, will gladly share my findings. I aso sent you a pm on this subject a while back,that may now be irrelevant but you might want to peruse it anyway.


        • #5
          Hi James I have a problem with my headgear and I did post on the forum about it I have had it less than six months and not been able to use it because of headgear problems can you let me know where to e-mail mmy address as I think it should be replaced.


          • #6
            Yowza, can i buy a set, does it fit the old mask?
            Does it come in pink for lorraine??????
            I like the mask but the straps are a severe bugger!!
            Does anyone know why the Apex 111 makes whooshing noises? Would a humidifier help the noise (as i've tried everything else!!)
            Why does the smell of whiskey breath linger in the mask?
            If you cuddle the tube does anyone have a good explanation for the marks on your arms (they didnt see the chest ones)?
            Is putting the unit on a shelf over your head in a hotel bedroom a good idea......oh , that was no and might be connected to the whiskey comment.
            Does anyone else have the occasional nightmare about wrestling octopuses/squid?
            So many questions and these are just the cpap ones.


            • #7
              Test case?

              I wanna be a test case when I grow up


              • #8
                It seems to me that if you have a weird shaped nose the only way to go is sleep weaver. 'Tis the best thing since sliced bread and a whole lot easier to breathe through.
                I found that if I hold the bit near my eyes it stops leaking and I can go to sleep like that, only waking up when I let go and all I do then is grab hold of it again.
                I cannot possibly be the only person on the planet with a high/low nose thing where a seal is not possible, can I?
                The nasal pillow idea was a load of cobbly things cos as soon as I tried it my nose got bunged up and I couldn't breathe at all.
                So for me, the sleep weaver wins by a mile.
                I want to get me a spare so if there are any offers on I would appreciate knowing about them and any comments about the new strap system would be good too.
                Hmm, thats led me to think about canibalising my other masks for the head gear and see if I can swap them around.... watch this space
                Mwahh to you all xx
                APAP: F & P Iconaax auto
                Masks: Resmed Swift FX, Sleep Weaver, Mirage Liberty and most other makes and models.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ElleCee View Post
                  'Tis the best thing since sliced bread and a whole lot easier to breathe through.
                  Tried the sliced bread alternative, dont recommend wholgrain, but the flat pancake version of the remzzz gave a lovely flavour, pleasant dreams and an easy access breakfast snack !!

                  Tried cannibalising other head gear (in a swap around sense, not eating it (though since i'm not head gear its not canniba.....never mind, sorry, wandering off topic)) but all my stuff has 4 anchor points , not three. And gluing loops on to worn out stuff meant the head loop hit the wrong spot. Anyone out there using a 3 point headgear system that might work?

                  Or (subtle hint) might the new headgear be sold as a seperate item for current users.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ElleCee View Post
                    It seems to me that if you have a weird shaped nose the only way to go is sleep weaver. 'Tis the best thing since sliced bread and a whole lot easier to breathe through.
                    I found that if I hold the bit near my eyes it stops leaking and I can go to sleep like that, only waking up when I let go and all I do then is grab hold of it again.
                    I cannot possibly be the only person on the planet with a high/low nose thing where a seal is not possible, can I?
                    The nasal pillow idea was a load of cobbly things cos as soon as I tried it my nose got bunged up and I couldn't breathe at all.
                    So for me, the sleep weaver wins by a mile.
                    I want to get me a spare so if there are any offers on I would appreciate knowing about them and any comments about the new strap system would be good too.
                    Hmm, thats led me to think about canibalising my other masks for the head gear and see if I can swap them around.... watch this space
                    Mwahh to you all xx
                    Have you tried ensuring the mask is full of air, pressing index fingers either side of the bridge of the nose, then inserting the thumbs beneath the rim of the mask just below the eyes gently lifting then lowering with the mask full of air? This sounds trickier than it is.


                    • #11
                      Yep, tried that, and tried using the Remzzz
                      Only thing that works is pinching the top of my nose all night, surprisingly I can do it for several hours before relaxing my grip and waking myself up with a gale in my eyes.
                      If I thought it would help I would learn to breathe through my ears but sadly it doesn't seem to be an option
                      APAP: F & P Iconaax auto
                      Masks: Resmed Swift FX, Sleep Weaver, Mirage Liberty and most other makes and models.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ElleCee View Post
                        Yep, tried that, and tried using the Remzzz
                        Only thing that works is pinching the top of my nose all night, surprisingly I can do it for several hours before relaxing my grip and waking myself up with a gale in my eyes.
                        If I thought it would help I would learn to breathe through my ears but sadly it doesn't seem to be an option
                        Is it because your nose is particularly slim?

                        It fits my hooter well and that goes all over the place [mine makes Mike Tindall's look normal]


                        • #13
                          Ohh put like that I suppose it could be slim, never thought of it that way but you could be right. Doesn't help much though
                          APAP: F & P Iconaax auto
                          Masks: Resmed Swift FX, Sleep Weaver, Mirage Liberty and most other makes and models.


                          • #14
                            I PMed a few of you back to ask for your address. Forgive me for struggling to remember your real names! If you are interested, please PM me your address. Have a few freebies left, and they'll be on the site to buy soon.


                            • #15
                              SleepWeaver Head Gear

                              Is this the first feedback about the new headgear?

                              Mine arrived yesterday and with great excitement I took myself off to bed early expecting to have to spend ages sorting it all out. I was so wrong!
                              I took off the old headgear, laid out the new one and proceeded to attach it all in the right places. It was particularly easy and I slipped it over my head.
                              The first thing I noticed was that the straps went below my ear lobes, what a result!! The top was so easy to adjust and nowhere near the limit of its velco attachment.
                              I had a really good night, I still had to hold it to stop it leaking but I didn't need any padding over my ears and I can honestly say I couldn't feel the head gear at all. It was wonderful !!!
                              Is it possible to buy a new sleepweaver mask without the head gear?
                              I am only asking cos I am a tight git

                              Thanks James, you are a star.
                              Lorraine xx
                              APAP: F & P Iconaax auto
                              Masks: Resmed Swift FX, Sleep Weaver, Mirage Liberty and most other makes and models.

