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Question on wakeups?

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  • Question on wakeups?

    Hi all

    First post here - and sorry for jumping right in.

    I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea last year. I had approx 39 events every hour. I am overweight and have been for a long time. So I'm super glad this has been picked up.

    Now - I was given a CPAP machine by the NHS. It's a Resmed Airsense 10 and a full face mask (I think the F40?).

    I would like to start by saying - I have not been sleeping during the day at all since having it. Occasionally I have due to bad sleep - but the vast majority of my days go with me not sleeping when I sit down. So I am very pleased.

    However - and this is where you can feel free to tell me not to be daft - my Fitbit still records me as waking up in small stints around 40 to 80 minutes in a night. This is exactly the same as what used to happen before I got my CPAP machine.

    I was expecting less wakeups if I'm honest...losing 1 hour of sleep a night is still pretty tiring.

    So - am I putting too much emphasis on the Fitbit results? Should I just be happy with the fact I appear to be benefiting from CPAP by not sleeping during the day?

    I'm just concerned, as nothing changed regarding "amount" of sleep, that perhaps the CPAP therapy isn't working. Or - is it working and Fitbit is either just plain wrong or is measuring something else.

    I should also add that when Fitbit reports me being awake for so many minor stints, I am often unaware of them. I am probably aware of waking up, properly, anything between 2 and 6 times probably.

    Should I just junk my Fitbit at night and not worry about what it's been reporting? Or should I have seen a marked difference in number of times and minutes I wake up when I started CPAP therapy?

    Thank you - apologies for the long post.

  • #2
    Good Morning,

    Thank you for your post.

    I would stop looking at your fit bit re your CPAP therapy and start looking at the CPAP therapy data to see how your CPAP therapy is going.

    You can do this via the SD card or the sleep report menu option on the display screen of the machine.

    The target AHI (sleep apnoea events per hour) with a CPAP machine is 5 or under. Please have a look and see what you AHI score is.



    • #3
      Thank you.

      My AHI is 1.1 and the avg pressure is 12.2

      So I guess it's doing it's job.

      No idea what the Fitbit is detecting then. I'll leave it off at night.

      Thanks Kelly


      • #4
        Good Morning.

        That is excellent news.

        Your CPAP therapy is going great. I am so pleased for you.


